Our Story


Neela Atluri spent a successful career in corporate America and decided to take an early retirement so that she could turn to her passion for baking and the possibility of opening up the bakery she daydreamed about for years.


Anisha, Neela’s daughter and inspiration, had always been a voice for changing ourselves to change our world. In her high school graduation speech Anisha said: “with persistence, conviction, and a measured degree of reckless abandon, each one of us can initiate changes in our own lives and thereby leave a mark.” After graduating at the top of her class in high school, she went on to graduate Summa cum Laude from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. With a fearless and passionate drive to use her business skills for social good, Anisha entered Harvard to earn her MBA with a mission, as written in her memoirs, to inspire others to lead with love to change the world for good. 

In 2020, while vacationing in Bali, Anisha sadly passed away unexpectedly. Neela decided to pursue her baking passion with a renewed purpose to honor her daughter’s legacy by continuing with her vision of changing the world by spreading love, one cookie and one person at a time. 

aka Dare to Love was created to honor Anisha, her life and to embody what she believed in. Every aspect of this company is inspired by Anisha. Her love for "farm to table" and her passionate support for local and small farms is front and center at akaDTL. Our ingredients are always premium and locally sourced wherever possible.

In addition, the logo, the colors and shapes used on the website, the sticker and gift wrapping are inspired by Anisha's own artwork. 

aka Dare to Love came to life on April 2, 2021.

100% of the baking and operations for aka Dare to Love is volunteered time and 100% of the profits are donated towards helping women and the underserved. Our goal is to help locally as we believe this fosters a stronger community built from within.